Lessons Learned from an Unpleasant Experience

Life has many ups and downs. Do you sometimes feel that there seems to be more downs than ups?
Write about an experience you had that at the time was painful (emotionally or physically). What did you learn from it? Did it help you grow in any way? Would you keep this memory alive only to remind yourself that everything has a purpose? Would you forget about it and just move on with your life? Include an image that might represent the experience.

Well there’s been many ups and downs even in my small amount of years living. An experience that I’ve had has been when I was in my other middle school, my friends would play around with each other and joke around too much. One time, they took a joke too far and surpassed boundaries so with that, they hurt my friends feelings and I was also slightly hurt. I was comforting her and letting her vent, but in turn I felt some guilt because I didn’t really do anything about it. She didn’t tell me that but I noticed. Even if it wasn’t inherently my fault to begin with, but I could’ve tried more to defend her or tell my friends that their jokes weren’t okay to do and that they crossed my friend’s boundaries. From then on, I knew who to hang around with and what actions are unacceptable not just towards my friends but myself included. I also learned that actions and words can affect people greatly and that I had to be more compassionate towards myself and those around me. It was tough in the moment because I was a child but I would just forget about it since it taught me how to go about certain things and situation, though I’ve still learnt a lot more since then and there’s more for me to learn.

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